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People on dock watching dolphin leap

Benefits of membership
  • Invitations to exclusive field trips, lectures and social events
  • Meeting outstanding students and learning about state-of-the-art scientific advances
  • Associating with vibrant, inquisitive women who support scientific inquiry
  • Knowing you've helped advance scientific, technological, medical and economic development in Hawai‘i and for the world
Member responsibilities
  • Participation in occasional ARCS Honolulu events with guests and prospective members
  • Affordable dues and an annual contribution
  • Optional volunteer service
The Membership Process

New members can be nominated and confirmed at any time of year. For information, contact any ARCS Foundation Honolulu member or inquire with the vice president for membership — Patricia “Patty” Lee, 808-230-0133 or

You can also download the membership nomination and mail to ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter, P.O. Box 10052, Honolulu, HI 96816.

To Quote a Scholar: Julia Douglas

Julia Douglas headshot

"The generous support of the ARCS award facilitates both the completion of my PhD program and the establishment a long-term research component of my future career."

2024 Sarah Ann Martin ARCS Scholar Julia Douglas scales trees in Hawai‘i an Mexico to study endangered epiphytes growing in the canopies as part of her doctoral research in botany at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.

To Quote a Scholar: Benjamin Wiseman

Benjamin Wiseman in sweet potato field

"I hustle to make sure that my expenses are covered, often working part-time jobs to make ends meet. Receiving this award means that I can place greater focus on my academic research work."

2024 Helen Jones Farrar ARCS Scholar Ben Wiseman quantifies nematodes to study soil health and explores new cover crops as an effective, sustainable way to control the pest in sweet potato fields.