Honolulu ARCS Scholar Khaldoon Ishmael will discuss "Revolutionizing Health Monitoring with Remote Bio-Radar Technology" for the February gathering of Honolulu Science Café. Dr. Ishmael worked on application of Doppler Radar for non-invasive physiological monitoring as the 2021 Kresser ARCS...
ARCS Honolulu partner organization Science Café brings together science enthusiasts from across O‘ahu for conversation and edification on the third Wednesday of the month at Pho Viet Thien Hong in Mānoa Marketplace. No-host dinner begins at 5:30 followed by a talk at 6:30 p.m. Join the email...
Honolulu ARCS Scholar Alum Anthony Amend will discuss "Fantastical Yeasts and Where to Find Them (in Hawaiʻi)" at the April gathering of Honolulu Science Café. Dr. Amend is a professor in the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa's Pacific Biosciences Research Center, where he heads the Amend Lab on...
John A. Burns School of Medicine Associate Dean for Research and ARCS member Dr. Mariana Gerschenson talks about diabetes research. ARCS Honolulu partner organization Science Café brings together science enthusiasts from across O‘ahu for conversation and edification on the third Wednesday of...