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People on dock watching dolphin leap

Benefits of membership
  • Invitations to exclusive field trips, lectures and social events
  • Meeting outstanding students and learning about state-of-the-art scientific advances
  • Associating with vibrant, inquisitive women who support scientific inquiry
  • Knowing you've helped advance scientific, technological, medical and economic development in Hawai‘i and for the world
Member responsibilities
  • Participation in occasional ARCS Honolulu events with guests and prospective members
  • Affordable dues and an annual contribution
  • Optional volunteer service
The Membership Process

New members can be nominated and confirmed at any time of year. For information, contact any ARCS Foundation Honolulu member or inquire with the vice president for membership — Patricia “Patty” Lee, 808-230-0133 or

You can also download the membership nomination and mail to ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter, P.O. Box 10052, Honolulu, HI 96816.

Science Communicator Christie Wilcox Tells it Like It Is

Christie Wilcox, PhD

Christie Wilcox, PhD, on her Honolulu ARCS Scholar Award: "The life of a graduate student is not enviable… For me, it was essential. It was what I needed, the kind of funding to pursue these curiosities that I had. And I was grateful for it.” Read more about the the award winning science communicator.

Scholar Update: Indigenous Scientist Haunani Kane

Haunani Kane headshot

“Climate issues are large global issues, but the solutions are really going to need to be locally based, driven by communities: community needs, and their vision for the future, as well as looking at our native people and the way that they have sustainably managed lands and their coastal resources,”

2017 Toby Lee ARCS Scholar Dr. Haunani Kane combines indigenous knowledge and modern scientific techniques in her work as Univrsity of Hawai‘i at Manoa assistant professor of earth sciences. Read more