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  • It's an investment for the future of us all.
  • All proceeds go directly to promising young scientists through ARCS Scholar Awards.
  • Youʻll be in good company.  Meet our donors.
  • Donations are tax dedutible as provided in Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

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For More Information

on sponsoring a named ARCS Scholar Award, remembering ARCS Foundation in your will or becoming a member or friend of ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter, email ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter at, or contact:

Honolulu Chapter President Wendy Lagareta |  (808) 386-5330
Membership Director Patricia (Patty) Lee  |  (808) 230-0133

ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter is a
501 (c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization
Taxpayer ID 51-0183563


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Dr. Mark Hixon on ARCS Scientist Honor

Dr. Mark Hixon, Photo by Chris Pala

"I am especially grateful that ARCS Honolulu appreciates the mentoring of graduate students, who are society’s future scientists during an era when science is increasingly under attack."

ARCS Honolulu Chapter named marine ecologist Dr. Mark Hixon its 2021 ARCS Scientist of the Year for his remarkable record of research, mentorship and public outreach. He is the Sidney and Erika Hsiao Endowed Chair in Marine Biology and chairs the Zoology Graduate Program at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. Photo by Chris Pala

To Quote a Scholar: Julia Douglas

Julia Douglas headshot

"The generous support of the ARCS award facilitates both the completion of my PhD program and the establishment a long-term research component of my future career."

2024 Sarah Ann Martin ARCS Scholar Julia Douglas scales trees in Hawai‘i an Mexico to study endangered epiphytes growing in the canopies as part of her doctoral research in botany at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.