Community Partners

ARCS Foundation Honolulu welcomes the support of Hawai‘i corporations, philanthropists and community organizations who share ARCS Foundation’s commitment to advancing the nation's talent pool in science, engineering and health fields.

University of Hawai‘i Foundation

University of Hawaii Foundation torch logoEstablished in 1955 to encourage private support for the University of Hawaiʻi, the University of Hawai‘i’ Foundation is the central fund-raising organization for the UH System. It manages the ARCS Honolulu endowment and nine additional endowments that generate named ARCS Scholar Awards: Bretzlaff Foundation and Frederick M. Kresser (for engineering); Columbia Communications (for astronomy); Sarah Ann Martin (for natural sciences); Starbuck ARCS and Yates ARCS (for medicine); and George Orton and Mona Marie Elmore, H. Keith and Sue Ernst, and Helen Jones Farrar (undesignated).

Hawaii Community Foundation logoA century-old philanthropic organization, Hawai‘i Community Foundation manages two endowment funds providing annual payouts for ARCS Scholar Awards: the Maybelle F. Roth Award in Conservation Biology and Ellen M. Koenig awards.

Hawai‘i Academy of Science

Hawaii Academy of Science logoARCS Foundation Honolulu cross promotes public speaking events with Honolulu Science Cafe, a monthly program featuring speakers on a variety of scientific topics sponsored by the Hawai‘i Academy of Science.



To Quote a Scholar: Alexandru Sasuclark

Alexandru Sasuclark headshot“My research, if successful, would add a new diagnostic toolset for medical professionals to assess risk for those already at a high risk for developing neuropsychiatric disorders.”

Honolulu ARCS Scholar Alexandru Sasuclark received Best Poster Presentation at the John A. Burns School of Medicine’s 2021 Annual Biomedical Sciences and Health Disparities Symposium. The George and Virginia Starbuck ARCS Award receipient studies the role of selenium in development of particular neurons in the brain and the perineuronal net structures that surround them. Disruption in their development is characteristic of many neurodevelopmental diseases. A University of Hawai‘i at Manoa PhD candidate in Cell and Molecular Biology, Alexandru aspires to a career in industry pursuing treatments for neurological ailments.

Read about his inspiration or watch his video

To Quote a Scholar: Julia Douglas

Julia Douglas headshot

"The generous support of the ARCS award facilitates both the completion of my PhD program and the establishment a long-term research component of my future career."

2024 Sarah Ann Martin ARCS Scholar Julia Douglas scales trees in Hawai‘i an Mexico to study endangered epiphytes growing in the canopies as part of her doctoral research in botany at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.