Government Investment in Research

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ARCS National Board Statement Regarding Government Cuts for Scientific Research

On February 12, 2025, the ARCS National Board issued the following statement:
Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation's mission is to advance scientific research in the United States. For 65 years, ARCS Foundation and its chapters have provided financial awards to academically outstanding US citizens studying to complete degrees in science, technology, engineering, and medical research.

ARCS Foundation National Board is closely monitoring the recent announcement by the federal government regarding key cuts for scientific research. We believe this action will put the important research work of our ARCS Scholars at risk. More broadly, we are deeply concerned that these cuts will impact critical US scientific progress, drastically reduce the scientific competitiveness of the United States, and harm long-standing partnerships between academic institutions and the federal government.

There are real global consequences to both our country and our US scientists by slowing our progress on scientific discoveries and innovation.

Message from University of Hawai‘i President
Dr. Wendy Hensel headshotIn a live-steramed address to to the 10 University of Hawai‘i campuses on Feb. 6, President Wendy Hensel outlined the impact of recent federal policy changes on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility programs, research funding, immigration enforcement, and Title IX protections. She said in part: Our work is critical and transformative for our individual students, our communities, our economy, and our world. We will continue to celebrate and elevate our mission to advance knowledge and enrich society as we navigate these changes.
Read her statement or watch the video
Reactions to the National Institutes of Health directive to reduce reimbursements for overhead costs

Council on Competitiveness

Council on Competitiveness logoFeb. 7, 2025 response, which reads in part: The reduction … will negatively impact ongoing, critical life sciences and medical research at a time when competitors, especially China, are looking for any advantage to seize the lead in the global innovation race, and to dominate critical exponential technologies from AI to the biosciences.
ARCS Foundation is a member of the council, which unites leaders from academia, business, labor, and the national labs in a nonpartisan action agenda focused on U.S. leadership in the global economy, strengthening the American innovation infrastructure, and raising the standard of living for all Americans.

Association of Public Land Grant Universities

Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities logo

Feb. 7, 2025 response, which reads in part: Slashing the reimbursement of research costs will slow and limit medical breakthroughs that cure cancer and address chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
27 of ARCS Foundation's 50 partner universities, including the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, are APLU members.

Association of American Universities

Association of American Universities logoFeb. 7 statement, which reads in part: A cut to (facilities and administration cost) reimbursements for NIH grants is quite simply a cut to the life-saving medical research that helps countless American families
27 of ARCS Foundation's 50 partner universities are members of the Association of American Universities.


On Feb. 10, APLU  and AAU joined with the American Council on Education as plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging the NIH’s action. Read more