Events Highlights

Recent ARCS Events

Scholar Update: Marine Biologist Shayle Matsuda

Shayle Matsuda at ocean overlook“The increasing frequency and severity of global coral bleaching events, the devastation to reef ecosystems and the communities who rely on them led to my dedication to coral reef conservation.”

As a University of Hawai‘i at Manoa doctoral candidate, 2019 Honolulu ARCS Scholar Shayle Matsuda pioneered new molecular techniques to study symbioses between coral, algae and bacteria. He continues that work as part of an international coral reef restoration project under a 2021 David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship—a premier postdoctoral program in conservation science that supports early-career scientists and seeks solutions to the most pressing conservation challenges.

To Quote a Scholar: Julia Douglas

Julia Douglas headshot

"The generous support of the ARCS award facilitates both the completion of my PhD program and the establishment a long-term research component of my future career."

2024 Sarah Ann Martin ARCS Scholar Julia Douglas scales trees in Hawai‘i an Mexico to study endangered epiphytes growing in the canopies as part of her doctoral research in botany at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.

To Quote a Scholar: Lucas Ellison

Ellison Lucas speaking into microphone

"The grant will cover travel to one or two conferences that I would not be able to attend otherwise."

2024 Toby Lee ARCS Scholar Lucas Ellison uses data from past droughts to analyze the performance of climate simulation models to better predict the impact of climate change.