Since 1983, ARCS Honolulu Chapter annually honors one University of Hawai‘i at Manoa faculty member as its Scientist of the Year.
The award recognizes recipients both for their own remarkable research careers and for their role as outstanding mentors to young scientists, so it is no suprise that many have also been advisors to ARCS Honolulu Scholars. Scientists of the Year are invited to speak at the Scholar Banquet or another ARCS Event (or safely distanced recorded online talks during the pandemic).
At right, ARCS Honolulu member Patricia "Patty" Lee, left, congratulated 2019 ARCS Scientist of the Year Dr. Margaret McFall-Ngai, who spoke of the important opportunities unrestricted ARCS Scholar funding provides and tendered her support by subsequently becaming a member of the chapter.
She also discussed possible end-of-earth scenarios as a panel member for a UH College of Natural Sciences Pilina Ao program. Watch the YouTube video.