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University of Hawai‘i Researcher receives Kyoto Prize

Posted on Saturday, June 24, 2023

Congratulations to the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa's Dr. Ryuzo Yanagimachi, who received the prestigious 2023 Kyoto prize for biotechnology and medical technology. The professor emeritus of anatomy and reproductive deveoped pioneering invitro fertilization techniques that have enabled millions of people worldwide to bear children and directed the laboraory that produced the first mouse clones and the first male mammalian clone. The Japanese-born researcher has been a faculty member at UH's John A. Burns School of Medicine since 1966. He founded the university's Institute for Biogenesis Research, mentored countless graduate students, and secured $4.7 illion in extramural funding in the past 25 years alone. Read more about the award and Dr. Yanagimachi.

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