In a salute to ARCS Honolulu Chapterʻs 50th anniversary, Honolulu Science Café will include two ARCS members and an ARCS Scientist of the Year in its fall schedule of monthly dinner speakers. Science Café brings together science enthusiasts from across O‘ahu for conversation and edification on the third Wednesday of the month at Pho Viet Thien Hong in Mānoa Marketplace. No-host dinner begins at 5:30 followed by a talk at 6:30 p.m. Fall speakers, all members of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa faculty, are:
- Sept. 18, Professor of Marine and Environmental Geology and ARCS member Dr. Henrietta Dulai, on "Coastal Springs Deserve Attention"
- Oct. 16, Associate Professor of Native Hawaiian Health and ARCS Scientist of the Year Dr. Alika Maunakea, on epigenetics and health disparities.
- Nov. 20, Dr. Mark Chun, Associate Director of Institute for Astronomy, an ARCS Honolulu supported program at the University of Hawai‘i, on adaptive optics.
- Dec. 18, John A. Burns School of Medicine Associate Dean for Research and ARCS member Dr. Mariana Gerschenson, on diabetes research.
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