RSVP by Jan. 12 on the event information and registration page. Check-in opens at 11:30. Come early to join the pre-luncheon medical school mini-tour at 11 a.m. and preview special door-prize drawing opportunities. Parking information will be provided to registrants; please email ARCShonolulu@gmail.com if planning to use a disability parking placard.
Proceeds from the luncheon will be used to support the Honolulu Chapter's ARCS Scholar Awards program. ARCS Honolulu has provided nearly $2.5 million to outstanding Univeristy of Hawai‘i at Manoa graduate students in STEM and health fields since 1974. Entering it's second half-century, the chapter has set a goal of increasing the grant that Honolulu ARCS Scholars receive to $6,000. Funds can be used by scholars in any way that advances their science careers, from computing time and research equipment to professional travel and personal expenses.
Visit our events page for information on additional anniversary events for members, including a science sampler field trip on the UH Manoa campus Friday, Jan. 26 and a Marine Institute of Marine Biology field trip and picnic on Coconut Island Monday, Jan. 28.